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Welcome to the Institute for Interactive Systems. Here you can learn everything about our projects and our educational offers.

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Welcome to the Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy)

The Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy) is one of the competence centers of the TH Lübeck. With about 30 employees, we conduct numerous third-party funded research projects around the development of interactive systems and technologies. One focus is on the topics of digital education, computer-aided communication and cooperation, and human-centered design.


Digital education

We develop innovative digital teaching-learning formats, platforms and content for university teaching, training and continuing education. Under "Courses" you will find our research and development platform "Future Learn Lab" and can register for selected courses yourself.


Learning Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

We explore and implement cutting-edge technologies in learning analytics and artificial intelligence to enable individualized and adaptive learning. Through data analytics and machine learning, we optimize learning paths to promote learning success.


Platform and technology development

We rely on open source technologies and systems to develop intelligent, networked platform services for digital learning and working.



3½ Questions about EduCamp Minden 2024

Anja Lorenz was in Minden for the EduCamp from the 16th to the 18th of March 2024.

['English'] Logo EduCamp Minden

Who are you, and what kind of event was that?

I'm Anja Lorenz and I attended the EduCamp in Minden from 16th to 18th of March. EduCamps are educational BarCamps where people from all fields of education can discuss current topics.

How could you contribute to the event?

I provided a session on the topic of "digital certificates". At ISy, we are primarily developing technical solutions for this in various projects and are also trying to pass the results on to various committees so that they can be integrated into official structures. I tried to give a generally understandable explanation of the underlying ideas and our research questions in order to get feedback.

What did you take away from the event?

Of course, artificial intelligence was also a big topic at the EduCamp. However, it was mainly about how to deal with it constructively, for example which types of exams are required, as AI tools are now making it really clear that pure memorisation and mindless questioning do not promote the skills we expect from learners in the 21st century.

In addition, there is probably a need to create a community for the H5P tool, which we also use at ISy, in which more advanced users can exchange ideas. Perhaps there will be further action on this.

Give us a highlight from the event

For a while now, children have become a quite regular part of the EduCamp, and beyond a certain age they often also provide sessions for the programme by themselves. Sessions offered by children and young people ranged from modelling plasticine, playing football, a concept for student councils at their own school, to programming with Ozobots.