"The green energy event at the GreenTEC Campus in Enge Sande was a great experience. It showed that ecologically thinking is not only effort driven, but can be fun as well. Exhibitors presented and showcased their work with great enthusiasm. Small businesses were present, but also big companies like Tesla, which presented the latest electrical cars. It was possible to take a test drive in an electrical car, this definitely was fun!" commented Joscha Höck from Fachhochschule Lübeck. And Jendrik Menz said: "To test some of the E-Cars was an eye-operner for the possibilities we have in the near future."
Thus it was a positive event was which was visited by thousands of interested people, despite the rather nordic rainy and windy weather. During two days, from 23rd-24th of June, carpeDIEM participated and presented the project on a carpeDIEM booth. Many of the people coming to the carpeDIEM booth were actually thinking of operating their local energy grid as a grid provider.
carpeDIEM presented the new animated promotion movie that explains in a simple manner the concept of an intelligent energy management. The animated movie is can be viewed here. Roughly,100 visitors took the chance to listen to the explanations of the team of carpeDIEM that was present during the event.