Thorben Liedert from Schwartauer welcomed us on a this very sunny day. In a relaxing atmosphere about 22 of us were introduced to the company and explicitly their efforts towards a more efficient use of energy within the company. With the implementation of a DIN certified environment management system and an energy management system they work for a more sustainable future of the company. They are investing to cut down their energy consumption, their exhausts and their water consumption. In the past two years they managed to cut down their energy consumption by more than 6 % each year. But they have to master the challenge of changing production lines after request and this requires more resources.
The project progressed especially in the demonstration site in Bordelum/Döpum. There measurement infrastructure was implemented and simulations were done in the lab to test possible scenarios and set up a new energy concept for the village. The local people in Bordelum/Dörpum are paning to apply for funding and we will be partner in these activities. We plan an article on the demonstration site and plan a general description about the project in an article in Denmark to get more attraction on the Danish site. This might help us to find another demonstration site in Denmark.
The day ended with a nice tour around one of the fabrication sites of Schwartauer Werke and we got an insight in the production of jam in the leading company of the sector in Germany, seeing all steps from the delivery of the fruits to their cooking and filling it into glasses and packing it.
For all would like to meet us and hear a bit more in detail what carpeDIEM is about, you will be able to meet us at ‘Grünstromevent’ in Enge-Sande from 23.-24. June.