8th Workshop 2014
Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, Wednesday, Sept. 24th, 2014
In addition to presentations from science and industry, results from the European EURAMET project on Metrology for Drug Delivery (MeDD) were presented (project´s website).
Many contributions of the workshop have been published in a special issue of the journal Biomedical Engineering entiteled "Low liquid flows in medical technology" (editorial).
Presentations (Program)
Tuesday, Sept. 23rd
18.30 Welcome Reception within the framework of
Lübeck 2014 Summer Academy on Medical Technology
Wednesday, Sept. 24th
Room AM 2: Plenary Session
09:00 Opening / Welcome
09:20 Introductory Key Note: From Innovation to Market
Prof. Dr. Ron Kikinis, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA and Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS, Lübeck
Focus Session: Metrology for Drug Delivery, part 1
10:00 Overview Metrology for Drug Delivery
Dr. Peter Lucas, Dutch Metrology Institute, VSL, Delft, Netherlands
10:20 Motivation and Clinical Relevance Metrology for Drug Delivery
Dr. Annemoon Timmermann, University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands
10:40 Primary Standards for Flow Rates from ~100 to ~1 mL/min - Gravimetric Principle
Dr. Hugo Bissig, Swiss Metrology Institute, METAS, Bern, Switzerland
Focus Session: Metrology for Drug Delivery, part 2
11:30 Flow Source Based on Expansion Principle as Primary Standard for Flow Rates Above 10 nL/min
Dr. Peter Lucas, Dutch Metrology Institute, VSL, Delft, Netherlands
11:55 An Optical Measurement Method for Flow Rates Above 10 nL/min
Martin Ahrens, TH Lübeck, Germany
12:15 Assessment of Flow Meters and Drug Delivery Devices
Elsa Batista, IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade, Caparica, Portugal
12:40 Dosing Errors in Multi-Infusion
Roland Snijder, University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands
Application, part 1
14:00 Effects of Applying Flow on Stem Cell Differentiation and Function
Prof. Dr. Martin Dufva, Technical University of Denmark, DTU,
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
14:30 Fast Techniques for Measuring Small Flows in Mass Production
Dr. Niklaus Schneeberger, Helbling Technik Bern AG, Bern, Switzerland
15:00 Microfluidics for Electrical Biochip Technology
Lars Blohm, Fraunhofer - Inst. für Siliziumtechnologie - ISIT,
Application, part 2
16:00 Metrological Methods for Low Volume Liquid Handling in Drug Delivery and In-Vitro Diagnostics
Dr. Peter Koltay, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik, IMTEK, Freiburg
16:30 Microfluids in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Applications
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krühne, Technical University of Denmark, DTU,
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
17:00 Flow Measurement for the Double-Actuator Pump mp6
Dr. Frank Bartels, Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH, Düsseldorf
Numerical and experimental flow analysis in centifluidic systems for rapid allergy screening tests
Manuel Dethloff, Hermann Seitz, Universität Rostock
Simulation of individual movement of human cells in a cell suspension
Christoph Drobek, Hermann Seitz
Analysis of the Water Jet of a Lipo-suction Device
Robert Mau, Hermann Seitz, Universität Rostock
Investigations on the Flow Behaviour in Intravenous Infusion Filters
Thomas Pollack, Hermann Seitz, Universität Rostock
Experimental flow analysis of welded pipe connections
Mark Schult, Christoph Drobek, Hermann Seitz, Universität Rostock
Multifocus fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Vit Dolezal, Renate Holzhause, Lennart Lohmann, Lars Kreutzburg, Richard Börner, Christian Hübner, Universität zu Lübeck
R&D at HNP Mikrosysteme in Centifluidic Technologies
Ellen Maus, HNP-Mikrosysteme GmbH, Schwerin, Germany
Design and implementation of a test bed to separate different drugs in
multi?infusion system using gas bubbles
Saif Abdul-Karim, Jörg Schroeter, Bodo Nestler, TH Lübeck
Validation of drugs separation in a multiplexing infusion system
Saif Abdul-Karim, Rene Gänger, Jörg Schroeter, Bodo Nestler, Fachhochschule Lübeck
Analysis of fluorescein release through a hydrogel diffusion barrier
Jan Krieger, Tobias Klepsch, Christian Damiani, Stephan Klein, Fachhochschule Lübeck