The Central University Administration of Technische Hochschule Lübeck is located in building 36, Mönkhofer Weg 239, 23562 Lübeck.
- Human Resources
Head of Department
Dipl. Wirtschaftsjuristin LL.M.
Katrin HartkopfTelefon: +49 451 300 5764 Fax: +49 451 300 5765 E-Mail: Raum: 36-0.07 Our Services
- Human Resources
- Recruitment
- Non-Academic staff
- Academic Staff
- Teaching Assignments
- Research/Student Assistants
- Time Recording and Absence Management
- Appointment Procedures
- Internal Training
Contact: personal(at)
- Finance
Head of Department
Carsten Hanst Telefon: +49 451 300 5474 E-Mail: Raum: 36-0.22 Our Services
- Accounting
- Budget Matters
- Cost and Performance Accounting
- Payment Office
- Business Trips and Excursions
- Controlling: Third-Party Funding
- Student Affairs | International Office
Head of Department
Dr. phil.
Dagmar DiehlTelefon: +49 451 300 5098 E-Mail: Raum: 36-0.41 Our Services
- Student Administration / Admissions Office / Student Secretariat (studieninfo(at)
- Enquiries: Admission Applications (studieren(at)
- Exam Administration / Administration of Study and Exam Regulations (spo-verwaltung(at)
- International Office (international(at)
- International Prospective Students (incomings(at)
- Career Development (CD) (cd(at)
- China Coordination (chinakoordination(at)
To ensure that your inquiry is handled promptly, we kindly ask you to address it solely to the specified addresses listed above. - Communication
Head of Department
Theresia Lichtlein M.A. Telefon: +49 451 300 5772 Fax: +49 451 300 5470 E-Mail: Raum: 36-1.14 Our Services
- Public Relations: kommunikation(at)
- Alumni Management: alumni(at)
- Corporate Design/Layout: design(at)
- Lübeck hoch 3: info(at)
- Recruitment Marketing: wegezurprofessur(at)
- Press Office: presse(at)
- Event Management: veranstaltungen(at)
- IT-Services
Head of Department
Benjamin Chase Telefon: +49 451 300 5168 Fax: +49 451 300 5451 E-Mail: Raum: 25-2.08 Our Services
- Central IT Infrastructure of the University
- IT Support: it-support(at)
- oncampus - IT Support
- Campusmanagement (HIS): cmt(at)
- IT-Support for the Musikhochschule Lübeck
- Evaluations with Evasys: evaluation(at)
To ensure that your inquiry is handled promptly, we kindly ask you to address it solely to: it-support(at) - Technical Services
Head of Department
Arieta Jahnke Telefon: +49 451 300 5687 Fax: +49 451 300 5690 E-Mail: Raum: 36-1.20 Our Services
- Strategy and Policy Issues for Procurement, Print Services, Service Point, Technical Operations & Facility Management
- Central Infrastructure Management
- Coordination of the Brandschutz AG and the Occupational Safety Specialist
- Planning, Project Management and Support for Construction and Building maintenance
Service Point
- Petra Clasen
- Christine Sellschopp
E-Mail: kontakt(at)
- Central Source of Information and Advice for Students and Staff
- Parking Management and Bike Lockers
- Registration
- Moving
- Lost and Found
- Mail Distribution
- Company Vehicles
- Room Management
- Telephone Services
Office Hours Raum 36-0.01
- Monday to Thursday: 9:00 - 15:00 h
- Friday: 9:00 -13:00 h