- Europe
Technische Hochschule Lübeck has signed subject-specific exchange agreements with several universities in Europe. Most agreements are signed within the European mobility program Erasmus+.
Based on the signed agreements, the below listed numbers of exchange places are avaible for each Academic Year. At Erasmus partner universities, students benefit from a tuition fee waiver at the partner university and they can receive an Erasmus+ individual support grant:
Country University Subject(s) covered by the agreement Level places available per year tuition fee waiver Erasmus+ grant Austria Fachhochschule Salzburg Electrical Engineering B 4 yes yes Belgium University of Antwerp Environmental Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Czech Republic VŠB Technická Univerzita Ostrava Biomedical Engineering B, M 1 yes yes Mechanical Engineering B 1 yes yes Denmark Roskilde University Urban Studies M 3 yes yes University of Southern Denmark, Campus Sonderborg Information Technologies, Engineering, Medical Microtechnologies B, M 4 yes yes University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) Architectural Technology and Construction Management B 2 yes yes Finland South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Science (Xamk)
Business Studies B 2 yes yes Logistics B 2 yes yes Environmental Engineering B 2 yes yes IT, Game Programming B 2 yes yes Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Engineering B 2 yes yes Information and Communication Technologies B 2 yes yes Business IT B 3 yes yes
FranceEcole d´Ingénieurs Généralistes La Rochelle (EIGSI) Mechanical Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Electrical Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Business Administration and Engineering B, M 4 yes yes Information Technology B 2 yes yes Architecture and Construction B 2 yes yes L`Ecole de l´Innovation Technologique Paris (ESIEE) Electrical Engineering, Business Administration and Engineering B, M 2 yes yes University of Technology Tarbes Occitanie Pyrénées (UTTOP) Mechanical Engineering B, M 4 yes yes ECAM Strasbourg Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Greece University of Thessaly Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences B, M 2 yes yes University of Patras Environmental Engineering, Water Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Iceland University of Iceland Electrical Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Computer Science B, M 2 yes yes Ireland Dublin Business School Business B, M / no no Italy
Università degli studi di Bergamo Urban Studies M 2 yes yes Università Iuav di Venezia Architecture and Urban Studies B, M 2 yes yes Università di Siena Engineering B, M 3 yes yes Business Administration B, M 3 yes yes Latvia
Riga Technical University (RTU)
Business Administration B, M 2 yes yes Electrical Engineering B, M 3 yes yes Computer Sciences B, M 3 yes yes Lithuania Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Architecture B, M 2 yes yes Netherlands Avans University of Applied Sciences Business B 5 yes yes Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Planning B 2 yes yes Poland Gdansk University of Technology Mechanical Engineering B, M 2 yes yes University of Lodz Environmental Engineering B, M 2 yes yes West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin Architecture and Urban Studies B, M 2 yes yes Civil Engineering B 2 yes yes Portugal Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Instituto Superior Técnico, School of Engineering) Biomedical Engineering M 1 yes yes NOVA Information Management School Business Administration B 2 yes yes Universidade do Algarve Water Engineering M 2 yes yes Spain Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Faculty of Fine Arts (BBAA) Arts B 2 yes yes Ramon Llull University - La Salle Multimedia and Design (ITD) B 2 yes yes Universitat de Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts Design (ITD) B 2 yes yes Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Business Administration, Economics B 4 yes yes Biomedical Engineering B, M 1 yes yes Universidad del Pais Vasco/ EHU Information and Communication Technologies B, M 2 yes yes Engineering, Manufacturing and construction B, M 2 yes yes Universidade da Coruna Architecture B, M 2 yes yes Sweden Linnaeus University (LNU) Engineering B, M 2 yes yes Mälardalens Högskola, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) Computer Science, Electronics B, M 2 yes yes Blekinge Institute of Technology Computer Science M 2 yes yes Engineering/ Industrial Management (Economics) M 2 yes yes Urban Studies M 2 yes yes Switzerland Berner Fachhochschule Business and Engineering B, M 2 yes SEMP** Building and Civil Engineering B, M 2 yes SEMP** Information and Communication Technologies B, M 2 yes SEMP** Turkey Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (ITÜ) Urban Studies M 2 yes yes Medipol University Business (Health) B 2 yes yes Yeditepe University Business and Trade B 2 yes yes United Kingdom Plymouth University Biomedical Engineering B, M 1 yes no * There may be costs for semester fees for administrative matters at the partner university.
** The Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) offers funding opportunities for a semester abroad for studies in Switzerland. Funding is provided by the Swiss university.
Applications have to be submitted to the International Office by 15 January (for the upcoming Fall semester or Academic Year) and 1 September (for the upcoming spring semester).
Late Applications can be accepted as long as places available and the submission deadline at the partner universiy can still be met.
If there are more applications for one partner university than placecs available, the International Office will make a ranking based on selection criteria and in close consultation with the department(s). After selection, the Internationa Office nominates the candidates at the respective partner university. The student will have to submit additional docuements to the partner university to complete the application process. To receive the Erasmus+ individual support grant, the student has to sign a Learning Agreement and a Grant Agreement before the start of the mobility period. The final desicion about accepting the nominated student as an Erasmus+ exchange student is made by the partner university.
Ulrike Reincke Telefon: +49 451 300 5703 E-Mail: ulrike.reincke@th-luebeck.de Raum: 36-0.43 - Jordan
The German Jordanian University (GJU) was founded in 2004. It is based on the German university of applied sciences model and is one of the leading universities in the country. The campus is located in Mushaqar, southeast of Amman. The language of instruction is English.
The GJU is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and with scholarships from the Federal Foreign Office. TH Lübeck is a member of the consortium that accompanies the establishment and development of the GJU.
An exchange of students and teachers is possible in both directions between the GJU and TH Lübeck.
Student exchange
THL students can study for one or two semester at GJU. Due to the broad variety of offered degree programs at GJU, the exchange program is also open for all THL students. Tuition fees are waived.
- Main Focus of the cooperation are Biomedical Engineering and Business Administration and Engineering (with focus on Logistics).
- In general, the exchange is open to all students.
- Acadmic stay up to 2 semester possible.
- No tuition fee at GJU.
- Support by the GJU International Office (Buddy-Program, Trips, etc.).
Staff exchange
Academic staff of TH Lübeck has the opportunity to teach for period from several weeks to up to two semester at the GJU. Staff exchange takes place reciprocal: Staff members from GJU come to Lübeck (Train the Trainer) and THL members teach in Jordan (Flying Faculty). Travel costs are covered by the GJU-project Office, costs for the individual stay are covered by the GJU.
- Teaching mobility at GJU
- from several weeks up to two semester
- Travel costs covered by the GJU-project office
- Individual costs covered by the GJU
Currently, there is also the possibiliy to support staff mobility for academic and non-academic staff with the Erasmus+ project. For further information, please see the information on Erasmus+ funding and contact the International Office.
Prof. Dr. sc. nat.
Max UrbanTelefon: +49 451 300 5524 Fax: +49 451 300 5512 E-Mail: max.urban@th-luebeck.de Raum: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing.
Rüdiger LohmannTelefon: +49 451 300 5778 Fax: +49 451 300 5302 E-Mail: ruediger.lohmann@th-luebeck.de Raum: 25-1.09 - China
- Marocco
The degree program Architecture has signed a cooperation agreement with the Rabat School of Architecture at the Université Internationale de Rabat. Students have the possibility to study for one semester in Rabat or to join the Summer Arabic Program or the Medina Summer Program. Students can apply for financial support for a semester at UIR in the PROMOS scholarship program or in the HAW.International program.
Together with the Academic Institutions of DAKAR, Senegal, the Université Internationale de Rabat and TH Lübeck have formed the Team Afrikataterre at the Solar Decathlon AFRICA Contest 2019. Solar Decathlon AFRICA is an international competition for 20 university teams to conceptualize sustainable low-energy-consuming buildings that reach the bid of net-zero energy building and to increase reliance on renewable energies in the building sector in a competition period of 18 months.
Prof. Arch. DPLG CEAA
Heiner LippeTelefon: +49 451 300 5123 E-Mail: heiner.lippe@th-luebeck.de Raum: 14-2.15-2 - Ukraine
Since 2017, the cooperation of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering with the Ukrainian partner universites Chernivtsi National University Yuriy Fedkovych, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University und Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University has been funded financially in the Erasmus+ Program with partner countries (KA171).
The partnership with the Chernivtsi National University Yuriy Fedkovych has been active since October 2011. A close collaboration partner is the ArchitekturForumLübeck e.V. In 2013, the joint project "Praxis Partner Historische Stadt" was financially funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the program "Praxispartnerschaften zwischen Hochschulen und Unternehmen in Deutschland und in Entwicklungsländern".
The department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences signed an Memorandum of Understanding with the Kryvyi Rih National University and the Pryazovskyi State Technical University in 2023.
Architektur Forum Lübeck e. V.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Helmut OffermannE-Mail: helmut.offermann@th-luebeck.de Raum: 14-1.16 - Israel
The department M+W cooperates with the Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE). With two campuses located in southern Israel, a continuously growing body of over 6,000 students, six different engineering tracks and new faculty of design and architecture, SCE is, and will always be, a pioneering academic powerhouse. The signed agreement facilitates the exchange of students and staff. Students from other faculties, interested in studying at SCE for an exchange semester, please contact the International Office at THL.
TH Lübeck has been cooperating with the Holon Institute of Technology in Holon since 2024. The HIT offers a wide range of study programmes from Electrical Engineering to Data Science and Industrial Design to Industrial Engineering. The exchange of students and lecturers is made possible.
The DAAD scholarship program "New Kibbutz: Internships in Israeli Start-Ups" is highly recommended to all students who want to gain practical experiences in Israel. This scholarship is offered in close collaboration with the German-Israeli chamber of industry & commerce. The participating companies are mostly in the high-tech sector - some more mature, others young startups. The scope of internships ranges from marketing to software engineering, even technical positions are in the portfolio. Due to visa regulations of the State of Israel, all internships are unpaid, however most companies cover lunch and transportation expenses. Furthermore, the DAAD supports students with a scholarship.
For over 30 years, the Technische Hochschule Lübeck (THL) has been cooperating with the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) within the framework of student exchange programmes. Students on the International Studies in Electrical Engineering (ISE), International Studies in Industrial Engineering (ISW) and International Studies in Mechanical Engineering (ISM) have the opportunity to take part in the exchange programme for one year and obtain a double degree.
For some semesters now, Bachelor's students from the fields of Civil Engineering, Business Administration, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science/Software Engineering have also had the opportunity to go to MSOE for a semester on an exchange programme.
Information on the exchange programmes and the application modalities are provided in the respective departments.
- DHIK: China & Mexico
In cooperation with the Deutschen Hochschulkonsortium für Internationale Kooperation (DHIK), THL students can study for one semester in China or Mexico.
The Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (CDHAW) at the Tongji University in Shanghai was founded in 2004 as a model educational project between the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic China (MoE) and the German Federal Ministry od Education and Research (BMBF). Students can complete one semester abroad in one of following joint engineering programs:
- Mechatronics
- Vehicle technology with a focus on vehicle services
- Building technology
- Industrial Engineering and Business
Students enrol for one semester at CDHAW and choose from a range of seminars and lectures taught in German or English. The successful competion of these courses may be recognized at the home university. In addition to the subject-related courses, students can attend Chinese language courses and courses on regional studies and intercultural competence.
In Mexico, students have the opportunity to study for one or two semester at the Universidad de las Américas, Puebla or the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. The courses are available in German or English. Basic knowledge of Spanish is required.
In both programs (China and Mexico), the stay abroad can begin at the earlierst in the 5th semester. Information on the universities and offers can be found at the DHIK website.