Sustainable Building Technology, B. Eng.
Below, you'll see which modules you will take in which semester during your studies. CP stands for Leistungspunkte or credit points. You receive credit points for each completed module. The amount of credit points that are awarded per module is made up of the number of courses and the course content. The table also lists who is responsible for the module, as well as the module number and the abbreviation of the module name. For additional information, please refer to the module handbook for Sustainable Building Technology, B. Eng.
- 1st Semester
Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS Baukonstruktion I (Building Construction I) bako I 5 4 Bauphysik (Building Physics) bphy 5 4 Baustoffe (Building Materials) bast 5 4 Chemie (Chemistry) chem 2,5 2 Ingenieurmathematik I (Engineering Mathemtics I) Imat1 5 4 Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit (Climate Protection and Sustainability) klina 2,5 2 Kompaktwochen (Introduction Weeks) kowo 2,5 2 Physik (Physics) phy 5 4 In the European Higher Education Area credit points (Leistungspunkte / LP) are awarded in form of ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) simplifies the recognition of credits earned at home and abroad.
- 2nd Semester
Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS Angewandte Informatik (Applied Informatics) ainfo 5 4 Baustoffe II (Building Materials II) bast2 2,5 2 Baukonstruktion II (Building Construction II) bako2 5 4 Gebäudelehre (Building Typologies) gebl 2,5 2 Grundlagen CAD (Basic CAD) cad 5 4 Ingenieurmathemathik II (Engineering Mathematics II) Imat2 5 2 Tragwerkslehre (Structural Design) twl 5 4 In the European Higher Education Area credit points (Leistungspunkte / LP) are awarded in form of ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) simplifies the recognition of credits earned at home and abroad.
- 3rd Semester
Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS Baumanagement babe 5 4 Baugestaltung bage 5 4 Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik etec 5 4 Grundlagen der Energietechnik msr 5 4 Strömungslehre ström 5 4 Thermodynamik therm 5 4 Bauphysik bphy 5 4 In the European Higher Education Area credit points (Leistungspunkte / LP) are awarded in form of ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) simplifies the recognition of credits earned at home and abroad.
- 4th Semester
Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS Baurecht baur 5 4 Grundlagen der Energietechnik ener 5 4 Nachhaltiges Bauen nale 5 4 Technischer Ausbau I Wärme-Kälteversorgungsanlagen ta1-wkv 5 4 Technischer Ausbau II Sanitäre Systeme ta2-sansys 5 4 Technischer Ausbau III Elektrische Systeme ta3-esys 5 4 In the European Higher Education Area credit points (Leistungspunkte / LP) are awarded in form of ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) simplifies the recognition of credits earned at home and abroad.
- 5th Semester
Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS BIM Integrale Planung bim 5 4 Projekt GEG und Lebenszyklus pgegl 7,5 4 Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation gasim 5 4 Technischer Ausbau IV Raumlufttechnische Anlagen ta4-raul 5 4 Technischer Ausbau V Gebäudeautomation ta5-geaut 5 4 In the European Higher Education Area credit points (Leistungspunkte / LP) are awarded in form of ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) simplifies the recognition of credits earned at home and abroad.
- 6th / 7th Semester
Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS Brandschutz brsch 5 4 Regenerative Energien regen 5 4 Interdisziplinaeres Projekt pidis 7,5 4 Technischer Ausbau VI Lichtplanung ta6-lipla 5 4 Wissenschaftliche Studienarbeit (Scientific Study Work) wis 5 2 Alphabetical list of courses with information on credit points and semester hours.
Modulbezeichnung Kürzel LP SWS Bachelorarbeit ba 9 - Bachelorkolloqium bk 3 - Bachelorseminar base 3 3 Berufspraktikum, Praktikumsseminar pras 15 1 - Berufspraktikum
Das Vorpraktikum und das Berufspraktikum werden in der Praktikumsrichtline der TH Lübeck im Studiengang Energie- und Gebäudeingenieur geregelt.
- Berufspraktikum