Data: the Catalyst for the Smart City

Data provides opportunities for the development of predictive systems, Data Science Professor Max Zimmermann. Professor for Data Science, Data Engineering, Machine Learning and MLOps at Technische Hochschule Lübeck.

Data Science Professor Max Zimmermann knows how to use the collected data in a smart city: The smart city provides us with day-to-day applications that improve our daily lives. It ensures a faster and much more pleasant commute to work, guarantees flowing traffic, as well as smart parking so you don't have to waste your time in traffic jams and trying to find parking spaces.

In Zimmermann's research, he used anonymized motion data from cell phones to predict possible bottlenecks in traffic and when they might occur. This application led to smart traffic light circuits that allow road traffic to flow unhindered. In an interview, Max Zimmermann explains how data processing and smart traffic light circuits work.