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Welcome to the Institute for Interactive Systems. Here you can learn everything about our projects and our educational offers.

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Welcome to the Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy)

The Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy) is one of the competence centers of the TH Lübeck. With about 30 employees, we conduct numerous third-party funded research projects around the development of interactive systems and technologies. One focus is on the topics of digital education, computer-aided communication and cooperation, and human-centered design.


Digital education

We develop innovative digital teaching-learning formats, platforms and content for university teaching, training and continuing education. Under "Courses" you will find our research and development platform "Future Learn Lab" and can register for selected courses yourself.


Learning Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

We explore and implement cutting-edge technologies in learning analytics and artificial intelligence to enable individualized and adaptive learning. Through data analytics and machine learning, we optimize learning paths to promote learning success.


Platform and technology development

We rely on open source technologies and systems to develop intelligent, networked platform services for digital learning and working.



Digital Learning Campus: Millions in funding for the Insitut für Interaktive Systeme at TH Lübeck to develop an innovative learning platform

The Digital Learning Campus (DLC) Schleswig-Holstein is receiving a total of 6 million euros in funding for the establishment of a central DLC hub. This is a funding measure in the state's economic program with a total volume of approx. 38 million euros, which is funded by the ERDF fund (European Regional Development Fund) and the state. The DLC is coordinated by the Technischen Hochschule Lübeck (TH Lübeck), der Europa-Universität Flensburg und dem Leibniz-Institut für Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften. Central to the DLC is the development of an innovative learning and networking platform by the Institut für Interaktive Systeme (ISy) at the TH Lübeck.

With funding of 2.9 million euros, the ISy is responsible for the further development of the DLC platform. This will provide online learning opportunities as well as booking and collaboration tools. The project manager of the unit at TH Lübeck in the DLC Hub, Dr. Monique Janneck, Professor of Software Ergonomics and Human-Machine Interaction and Head of the ISy Competence Center at TH Lübeck, reports:

"The  Institut für Interaktive Systeme is one of the strongest research competence centers at TH Lübeck, with a focus on digital education, computer-aided communication, cooperation and human-centered design. It develops innovative digital teaching and learning formats, platforms and content for university teaching, training and further education, solutions for the use of forgery-proof digital certificates and networked platform services for digital learning and working. In the DLC Hub, ISy will build on this to develop an innovative networking platform to make the DLC offerings - whether digital or on-site - accessible to users."

From 2024, the DLC will also create physical learning locations in Flensburg, Heide, Kiel and Lübeck that are open to the public and networked via the platform. The free offer is aimed at all interested people (professionals, pupils, students, citizens).

Background information on the Digital Learning Campus (DLC)

The Digital Learning Campus (DLC) is an EFRE funding measure of the Ministeriums für allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Schleswig-Holstein. The project volume amounts to approx. 38 million euros with 90% funding. Twelve universities from Schleswig-Holstein applied for funding on 03.05.2023 with interdisciplinary application consortia consisting of companies, research institutions, non-profit educational institutions and civil society organizations.

The overarching goal is to develop the learning and collaboration spaces of the future in a joint Digital Learning Campus.From 2024, in addition to the DLC platform in Heide, Flensburg, Kiel and Lübeck, pioneering physical learning locations on topics and technologies of the future will be created. Under the motto “Future Skills for Schleswig-Holstein”, a new educational ecosystem will be created for all citizens of the state. The project development is being managed by the Ministerium für allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Schleswig-Holstein and is supported by the project office at the Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel and the DLC Hub.