Our Projects

Find out here about our current as well as completed projects.

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A list of our publications can be found here!

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If you are interested in carrying out project or thesis work, please feel free to contact us!

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Visit our research and development platform "Future Learn Lab" and participate in various education and training courses.

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Our Team

Welcome to the Institute for Interactive Systems. Here you can learn everything about our projects and our educational offers.

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Welcome to the Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy)

The Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy) is one of the competence centers of the TH Lübeck. With about 30 employees, we conduct numerous third-party funded research projects around the development of interactive systems and technologies. One focus is on the topics of digital education, computer-aided communication and cooperation, and human-centered design.


Digital education

We develop innovative digital teaching-learning formats, platforms and content for university teaching, training and continuing education. Under "Courses" you will find our research and development platform "Future Learn Lab" and can register for selected courses yourself.


Learning Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

We explore and implement cutting-edge technologies in learning analytics and artificial intelligence to enable individualized and adaptive learning. Through data analytics and machine learning, we optimize learning paths to promote learning success.


Platform and technology development

We rely on open source technologies and systems to develop intelligent, networked platform services for digital learning and working.



Teilnahme an der CHIRA 2023

Vom 16.-17. November 2023 fand in Rom die "7th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications" statt. Wissenschaftler*innen des Instituts für Interaktive Systeme präsentierten Forschungsarbeiten und tauschten sich zu Themen rund um die Entwicklung digitaler Plattformen aus.

Bei der CHIRA kommen Fachleute, Akademiker und Studierende zusammen und tauschen sich über die Forschung und praktische Anwendungen, Interaktionsdesign und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion aus. Es wurden vier parallele Tracks abgehalten, zu verschiedenen Aspekte der Computer-Mensch-Interaktion, darunter Human Factors und Informationssysteme, interaktive Devices, Interaktionsdesign sowie adaptive und intelligente Systeme.

Unsere Kollegin Jessica Brandenburger hatte die Möglichkeit die Berufsorientierungsplattform JOLanDA, vorzustellen und von einer durchgeführten Online Studie unter Schüler*innen und Studierenden zu berichten, in der es darum ging, warum Berufsorientierung eigentlich schwierig für junge Menschen ist und wie digitale Plattformen bei diesem Prozess unterstützen können.

Das Paper, welches in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Monique Janneck entstanden ist: "Why Career Orientation is Often Difficult and How Digital Platforms Can Support Young People in This Process" ist hier einsehbar:

Brandenburger, J., Janneck, M. (2023). Why Career Orientation is Often Difficult and How Digital Platforms Can Support Young People in This Process. In: da Silva, H.P., Cipresso, P. (eds) Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications. CHIRA 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1996. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49425-3_12

Für mehr Informationen rund um das Projekt JOLanDA besuchen Sie uns auch gerne bei Instagram: www.instagram.com/projekt.jolanda