
Ich war seit dem 1. Februar 2017 bis zum 30. September 2024 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck tätig. Meine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen der Ortung, der Simulation der Funkausbreitung und der drahtlosen Datenerfassung. In Transferprojekten befasse ich mich mit einfachen und praktischen Methoden, um Sensordaten zu erfassen, drahtlos zu übertragen und anschließend in Dashboards zu visualisieren. Dazu gehört der Einsatz von Middleware sowie die Integration der verschiedenen Systeme.

Beginnend mit dem Wintersemester 2021 habe ich bis zum Wintersemester 2023 neben der Projektstelle auch verschiedenen Lehraktivitäten (Vorlesungen sowie Praktika) im Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik übernommen.

Wichtige Stationen

  • Abschluss der Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. in der Sektion MINT der Universität zu Lübeck im Juli 2024
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck von 2017 bis 2024
  • Masterstudium: Angewandte Informationstechnik der Fachhochschule Lübeck
  • Bachelorstudium: Internationaler Studiengang Elektrotechnik mit Abschluss Bachelor of Science der Fachhochschule Lübeck und Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering der  Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Duales Studium mit integrierter Lehre (StudiLe) Elektrotechnik


  • Vorlesung und Praktikum: Bachelor EKS & INF - Drahtlose Sensorsysteme (SS 22 & SS 23)
  • Vorlesung und Praktikum: Bachelor ISE - Principles of Communication I (WS 21/22 & WS 22/23)
  • Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten: Master AIT (SS 19)
  • Betreung von Abschlussbarbeiten: Bachelor ECUST, Bachelor Medieninformatik (SS 21, SS 23)
  • Projektarbeit: Master AIT - wissenschaftliche Projektarbeiten (WS 18/19,  WS 21/22 & WS 22/23)
  • Praktikum: Master AIT - Wireless Networks in Cyber-Physical Systems (WS 21/22)
  • Übungen: Bachelor ISE - Principles of Communication I  (WS 17/18 & WS 18/19)
  • Übungen: Bachelor ISE - Principles of Communication II (SS 18 & SS19)



Comparative Study of Narrowband and Ultra-Wideband Systems for Device-Free Localization

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Technology in Wireless Communications (MTTW), 2024.

On Weight Functions for Multipath-Assisted Radio Tomographic Imaging Algorithms

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 5th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 5--7, 2024.

Indoor Localization Using Commercially-off-the-Shelf-Available Gas Sensors

Marco Cimdins and Domenic Hampf and Sebastian Hauschild and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 5th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 13--15, 2024.

SALOS—A UWB Single-Anchor Indoor Localization System Based on a Statistical Multipath Propagation Model

Sven Ole Schmidt and Marco Cimdins and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Sensors 24, 8, 2428, 2024.

Energy-Twin als Wegbereiter zur klimaneutralen vernetzten Produktion

Marco Cimdins and Tim Johannsen and Stefan Weidemann and Horst Hellbrück and Henning Strauß
Mittelstand-Digital Magazin Wissenschaft trifft Praxis – Ausgabe 21, 2024.

MA-RTI: Design and Evaluation of a Real-World Multipath-Assisted Device-Free Localization System

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Fabian John and Manfred Constapel and Horst Hellbrück
Sensors 23, 4, 2199, 2023.

Exploiting Ultra-Wideband Channel Impulse Responses for Device-Free Localization

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Peter Bartmann and Horst Hellbrück
Sensors 22, 16, 6255, 2022.

SALOS - a UWB Single Anchor Localization System based on CIR-vectors - Design and Evaluation

Sven Ole Schmidt and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
WiP Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2022.

Comparison of I/Q- and Magnitude-based UWB Channel Impulse Responses for Device-free Localization

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2021.

Underwater Ultrasonic Multipath Diffraction Model for Short Range Communication and Sensing Applications

Fabian John and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Sensors Journal 21, 20, 22934-22943, 2021.

Flexible Data Acquisition with LoRaWAN and MQTT for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Marco Cimdins and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Mobile Communication - Technologies and Applications; 25th ITG-Symposium, 1-6, 2021.

Contact-Free Biosignal Acquisition via Capacitive and Ultrasonic Sensors

Roman Kusche and Fabian John and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Access 8, 95629--95641, 2020.

MAMPI – Multipath-assisted Device-free Localization with Magnitude and Phase Information

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2020.

MAMPI-UWB—Multipath-Assisted Device-Free Localization with Magnitude and Phase Information with UWB Transceivers

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
Sensors 20, 24, 7090, 2020.

IoTiSS: Internet of Things in Smart Streetlighting

Marco Cimdins and Wiland Arlt and Horst Hellbrück
Mobile Communication - Technologies and Applications; 24th ITG-Symposium, 1-6, 2019.

A Practical Toolbox for Getting Started with mmWave FMCW Radar Sensors

Manfred Constapel and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 4th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 2--4, 2019.

On the Effective Length of Channel Impulse Responses in UWB Single Anchor Localization

Sven Ole Schmidt and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2019.

Modeling the Magnitude and Phase of Multipath UWB Signals for the Use in Passive Localization

Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
16th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2019.

Sundew: Design and Evaluation of a Model-based Device-free Localization System

Marco Cimdins and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
The Ninth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2018.

RF-Based Safety-Critical Hybrid Localization

Mathias Pelka and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
The Ninth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2018.

Comparison of Antenna Types and Frequency Bands for Radio-based Device-free Localization

Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 29--31, 2018.

Impact of the antenna orientation for distance estimation

Mathias Pelka and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 17--19, 2018.

UWB-based Single Reference Point Positioning System

Mathias Pelka and Swen Leugner and Marco Cimdins and Holger Schwegmann and Horst Hellbrück
ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation, 2017.

Anomaly-based Device-free Localization with Particle Filtering

Marco Cimdins and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
Workshop on Dependable Wireless Communications and Localization for the IoT, 2017.

Evaluation of time-based ranging methods: Does the choice matter?

Mathias Pelka and Daniel Amann and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2017.

Modeling Received Signal Strength and Multipath Propagation Effects of Moving Persons

Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2017.

Investigation of Anomaly-based Passive Localization with IEEE 802.15.4

Marco Cimdins and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
AIB-2016-05, 2016.

Investigation of Anomaly-based Passive Localization with Received Signal Strength for IEEE 802.15.4

Marco Cimdins and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
The Seventh International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2016.